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BYMBE Empowerment pack

Within the project "Bringing Young Mothers Back to Education" (BYMBE), the "Empowerment Pack" manual was developed and published in both Bulgarian and English. It was developed in order to support the work of social workers on the project. It is available to all those interested in the following link in Bulgarian: The original in English you can download from here:

The handbook is designed to serve as a practical guide to ensure the smooth and conscious return of young mothers to education. It contains methods and approaches that social workers can apply to predispose young girls to overcome previous unpleasant memories of school and build-up the desire and motivation to acquire professional qualifications. Using the methods in the Handbook to build emotional intelligence, social workers can develop in young people the ability to realize their own and others’ emotions, to cope with them and to use them for personal motivation for development. These skills would lead to the strengthening of family relationships and increased mothers' self-confidence. The absorption of each of the above-mentioned abilities for emotional intelligence is examined at a different stage of the work of the social workers and their relationship with the participants. Effective and applicable methods for the most beneficial results are proposed for each stage.

Our partners in the project, who used the pilot methods of the Handbook in their work with young mothers and successfully returned a large part of them to education, also shared their impressions. Social workers and group leaders have observed initial misunderstanding and distancing by the participants. After applying various activities and games (described in detail in the manual), young mothers have significantly relaxed and realized the purpose of the training package. Social workers share that the proposed intellectual product is easily adaptable to the different ad-hoc needs of the people in groups. The Emotional Intelligence training offered in the form of a game and above all a discussion between the whole group is easy to learn and leads to the desire for further development among the participants.

And they, in turn, say they have met understanding and support from social workers and from one another. For them, learning has contributed tremendously to clarifying their personal aspirations and desires to provide a better future for both themselves and their children. Learning within the Emotional Intelligence Package training process has left a lasting and sustainable mark in the minds of young mothers and they would readily recommend that other women join the newly formed working groups.

We are proud to state our convincement that one of the greatest merits of the implementation of this project is the consolidation of sustainable thinking and the upgrading of the skills of each of our participants!

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Българска асоциация за управление на хора
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