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New Tool for Business Development: Business Model Canvas with Symbols

We are happy to share that work on SOCS project is moving successfully forward.

In the end of 2020 we had our 3rd Transnational Project Meeting. All the partners discussed online via Zoom the progress so far. We are all following the project plan timeline and presently dedicating our efforts to translate the video tutorials that we have created for the project IOs in all partner languages.

We would like to use the opportunity to present you the first tool of IO1 – Business model canvas with symbols. This tool, develop by the Austrian partner Hafelekar, creates innovative combination of symbol work and the business model canvas method, which was developed by Alexander Osterwalder ( The result is user friendly tool to be used by SMEs when developing new products and services.

In order to facilitate the tool implementation and work of counsellors who are going to use it, Hafelekar have created a tutorial document and a video presenting the interventions steps in more details.

You can watch the video here:

The next step will be developing on the project’s website (, the interactive online version of this tool.

We will keep you informed for the latest developments of SOCS tools.

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